Do you ever find yourself saying, “I’d be happy if…” I’ve found myself saying that before.
It’s easy to fall into feeling bad about myself and coveting or envying because I don’t have the newest clothes, the biggest loudest truck, or or the nicest house. It’s so easy to fall under temptation to be unthankful.

Ok, I go to bed taking for granted everything I have, and thinking about all that I don’t have. I wake up the next morning with only things I thanked God for the day before. Scary right? I start thinking, “Did I thank God for anything today???”
“I’d be happy if…” It’s so easy to be unthankful , to be unhappy with where God has us, with what He’s blessed us with. Psalms 146:5 “Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God:”
Have you thanked God for all that you have today???
[Side Note]
God is [amazing]. Sometimes I just seriously feel like screaming it from my roof top! I can see Him working in my life so much. Other may say that I have nothing, am nothing, worth nothing. But, I can see God’s hand in my life so abundantly in so many ways. If I could tell you all the ways you may not think it mattered that much, but for me, in my life all those little things are ways God plays out His will. The little touches He adds to each chapter of my life are the little ways that He shows me that He’s still faithful, even though I fail so much. I fall away from Christ and I stumble, I come back broken, but knowing that God’s the only one who knows how to put the pieces back together again. The only one who can make me whole again.
I look back and wonder how I was living away from God. But I know that I wasn’t really living. Yes, I was still breathing, going through the motions of life, but I wasn’t truly living. The only real living you can do is through Christ. But, I digress. ;)
Go thank God today!
~Beautifully Created 4 Christ~
~Psalms 146:2~