A good friend of mine and I were having a discussion about prayer last week. Something
She mentioned really stood out and made me think, the way I talk to God reflects my relationship with Him.
I’d never thought about it that way before.
So, I was thinking on it. I know everyone talks to God in there own way, but looking at myself, I can tell how my relationship is with my Jesus by my prayer, my communication.
Not just that but a big part of it. So, I started looking at it a little more.
How do I talk to God, as friend or stranger? When do I talk to God, without ceasing or only in trial? Can I tell Him anything, am I telling everything?
I know when I’m out of fellowship or communication with my Jesus I have a hard time praying, a hard time talking to Him.
When I’ve sinned, and I’m being my stubborn self and don’t want to repent and
ask forgiveness right away, I feel like I can’t talk to God.

I talk to my Jesus out loud or in my head.
While standing, sitting, laying down, or on my knees.
Sometimes life’s burden’s force me to my knees before my Jesus. Humbly, but boldly laying it all at His feet. I stand in awe of the peace I find only in Him.
Matthew 11:28 says, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” The only true rest and peace is found in Him.
Each person communicates differently, so look at your prayer life. Talk to God about anything and everything.
Stay in constant communication with God.
He should be a BIG part of your life. He should be in the CENTER of everything you do.
Some days I know He’s there but I don’t acknowledge Him. I don’t include Him in every decision I make. He doesn’t want to be on the sidelines of you life waiting to be called on when you get hurt. He doesn’t want to be your plan B. With God you shouldn’t have a plan B.
Remember in Matthew 8 when the disciples and Jesus were in a ship in the sea? Jesus was there sleeping when a storm hit. The disciples freaked out. Even though Jesus was there the whole time they didn’t acknowledge Him there and trust Him. He has a plan, He was in control. They finally went to Jesus and woke him saying, “Lord, save us: we perish…” [Matthew 8:25b] And Jesus said, “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith.” [Matthew 8:26] Why are you afraid in the storm? God is there waiting for you to call on Him, He’s waiting for you to talk to Him. He may not calm the storm as He did in Matthew 8, but He will give you rest, peace, and the strength to go on in Him.
So, be communicating with Christ all the time.
“Pray without ceasing.” [1 Thessalonians 5:17]
~Beautifully Created 4 Christ~
~Matthew 9:13~
Thank you Felice this has already blessed me. :)
ReplyDeleteYour welcome!
ReplyDelete~Beautifully Created 4 Christ~
It's a great feeling when you've talked to somebody about God and you didn't even realize that they were starting to think really hard on what you were saying. Thanks for listening, Felice, and actually thinking really hard on what I was saying. It's great that I've made ya think.
ReplyDeleteIn Christ's Love,
Capt. Obvious*
You tend to make me think a lot! :) Thank you for listening to me too!! :) Especially when I tend to ramble! ;)
Delete~Beautifully Created 4 Christ~