The war we fight we fight not with guns, swords, and fists. But rather the war we fight is the war of our minds. One of the biggest wars we’ll fight.
We signed up for this war when we accepted Christ in to our hearts. We are soldiers in God’s infantry, ambassadors for the King of Kings.
In this war we may never hear cannons boom, rifle fire, or attack people. But, this war is real. This war between God and His children and Satan and His children.
Our minds are the battle field above a lot of things. Fleeting thoughts fly in and out. We can’t stop thoughts popping into our minds, but it’s what we do with them that determines weather it’s a sin or not. It’s not just doing something wrong that can be sin, it can be our thoughts also. Sin is anything we think, say, or do that breaks God’s law or displeases Him.
Let’s say your mom has given you a chore you [really] don’t want to do, and the thought pops into your mind to cuss at her or just in your mind, or to ignore her? This is part of the war. It’s a cross road between sin and not sin. It’s something I’ve struggled with. It’s something we all struggle with. It’s our will or God’s will. Resisting the temptation to do the wrong thing, even when no one is watching. No one knows what I’m thinking but God and I.

God was chasing me down and I was running away. He loves me to much to let me go. He has a plan for our lives.
A lot of times He shows me how big He is, I can clearly see God’s hands working in my life and I turn the corner and it’s like I can only see the what seems like a bigger problem. I doubt God on how He’s going to get me through this and when He’s going to get me through it. Is He going to be faithful? Why is He taking so long? It’s dumb really. I see God being faithful [No Matter What] and I still doubt, I still fall, and I still fear. I still {Sin}.
But the thing is, after all this, God still shows His sovereignty. I’m brought to my knees in repentance time after time because of doubt, fear, and sin. That still small voice saying not to let the failures of my past slow me down. I’ve been given a mission from my Jesus. A mission to serve in His army. To fight for Him, and to share His love. This war will be won. We need to stay close to God, with prayer and studying His word.
Many people try to get to God every other way but through His Son, but He’s the [only] way. John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am way, truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” He’s the only way we can win the war in our minds also. Call on Him. He’ll help you. Psalms 144:1, “A Psalm of David. Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:”
~Beautifully Created 4 Christ~
~Psalms 130:7~
This war is faught by everybody every day. But the thing is that many people just fall under the guise of the war and let it push them. They don't realize that every time that they sin that they are hurting God. I agree with you, each person should strive to not think those thoughts. I know from exsperience that when ever those types of thoughts enter my mind I try to imediatelly ask God for forgiveness. Otherwise, I feel guilty and can't sleep well at night. But when I repent to God afterwards, then I feel this overwelming peace that makes me sleep better. It's like God gives me this great big hug to help me battle the sin of this world. And He does this because He loves us very much.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this one!!
Capt. Obvious
Yes,we have to remember also, that we can't stop a fleeting thought, we have thousands of thoughts fly into our mind. It's what we do with those thoughts. Do we hoard them, pet the sin and bad thoughts?? Or do we get rid of them as fast as they came?? Being tempted is not a sin, Jesus was temped, but Jesus didn't follow the temptation and sin. He used scripture to make Satan flee. It's the same with us. If we are tempted through thoughts we should get rid of the thought. Like Jesus did we should use scripture to get rid of it. Pray, sing a praise song, do something. Ask God to help you to take all your thoughts into captivity to Christ.
ReplyDelete~Beautifully Created 4 Christ~
Yes, being tempted is not a sin. It's if you fall under the temptation that is the sin. And Jesus did make satan flee with scripture. And what we have to always remember is that the only way to push away the devil is by God's words. What He says is what keeps the devil away. She whenever you feel tempted to do something, or think something that you really know is bad and sinfull, just think of God's words, read a scripture or if you know one by heart say it. And remember that God will always love you and be there for you.
Delete"You're beautiful the way you, 'cause that's the way God made you. And He loves you very much."